7 Natural Remedies for Back Pain in Pregnancy

If you find yourself among the 50-80% of pregnant women experiencing back pain, you've come to the right place. Here, we present seven of our favourite natural solutions designed to provide relief and support for low back pain during pregnancy.

  1. Prenatal Chiropractic Care: One of the most effective natural remedies for back pain in pregnancy is prenatal chiropractic care. Specially tailored adjustments can address misalignments, reduce tension, and promote optimal alignment of the spine and pelvis. Read more about it in “How Chiropractic Care Can Help with Back Pain in Pregnancy.”

  2. Prenatal Massage: Gentle and focused prenatal massage is designed to alleviate muscle tension, particularly in areas prone to stress during pregnancy. Our skilled and highly trained massage therapists Flora and Matias can ease back pain and enhance overall comfort. Learn more in our blog “The Benefits of Prenatal Massage for Back Pain in Pregnancy.”

  3. Exercise and Stretching: Engaging in safe and pregnancy-appropriate exercises can strengthen the core and back muscles. Simple stretches that focus on the lower back, hips, and pelvic region can provide relief.

  4. Lightening the Load: Being mindful of how much you’re lifting and how you’re lifting is crucial. Carrying heavy objects (or small children) always on one side can really add to back pain and tension. Aiming to carry anything heavy in two hands to split the load, or on the front of your body, can significantly reduce the incidence of back pain.

  5. Pregnancy Support Belt: Wearing a pregnancy support belt around the pelvis can help stabilise the pelvis as you walk and move around, especially as you get closer to birth and the relaxin hormone kicks in. This hormone specifically can make the pelvis unstable, and these belts provide valuable temporary support. At KOEO, we provide pregnancy pelvic belts as part of our care program.

  6. Supportive Footwear: Opting for comfortable and supportive footwear can make a notable difference. Shoes with proper arch support can help distribute weight more evenly and reduce strain on the back. Any type of heels will add to the pressure and load going into all areas of the spine so we recommend that you avoid them as much as possible.

  7. Pregnancy Pillows: Investing in a pregnancy pillow can provide support while sleeping. These specially designed pillows help maintain proper spinal alignment and reduce discomfort. Our favourite is the bbhugme pregnancy pillow - use it between the legs to sleep on your side. It can be used later on as a breastfeeding support pillow, and even a place to rest baby if you tie it up tight. The cover is washable and you can adjust the firmness of the pillow to your needs.

Every woman's body is unique, and what works for one may not be suitable for another. By combining these natural remedies with personalised guidance from your healthcare professionals, you can navigate pregnancy with greater comfort and ease.

If you’d like some support and to discuss further if prenatal chiropractic or massage could be right for you, book yourself a free 15 minute phone consultation with our Upper Cervical Chiropractor, Sophie Anderson. She’ll be able to guide you with the best options for you.




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