The Surprising Impact of Neck Pain on Your Overall Health

Pop quiz!

What tiny part of your body can cause neck pain and affect your overall health and wellbeing? We're talking about things like your sleep, digestion, energy levels, hormones, and your body's ability to cope with stress.


The control centre of your body, your brainstem, sits at the top of your neck. This tiny yet powerful organ can be disrupted by a problem with the upper neck bones, known as subluxation. This not only gives you a stiff and painful neck but can also wreak havoc on the automated control of your body.

The Bigger Picture:

If you have a subluxation causing neck pain, you might also notice issues with:

- Sleep: Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

- Digestion: Stomach issues or irregular bowel movements.

- Energy Levels: Feeling tired and drained all the time.

- Stress Adaptability: Finding it harder to handle daily stressors.

Additionally, many KOEO clients report experiencing:

- Jaw issues

- Ear ringing

- Dizziness

- Migraines

- Shoulder and hip imbalances

Why It Matters (and What It Means for You):

If you've been trying to manage your neck pain and neck tension with massages and it keeps coming back, or if you've been putting it off, hoping it'll go away on its own, you might be missing a problem in this tiny area that’s affecting your whole body function and health in more ways than you've realised.

The bottom line:

Your neck pain could be a sign that your central nervous system is off balance. Addressing this imbalance is crucial for your overall health and wellbeing.

Chiropractic care for neck stiffness and neck pain could be a missing piece of your health puzzle.

Next Steps:

✔️ Not been into the office for a while? Book yourself in for a check-up.

✔️ Never been checked? Schedule your new client appointment.

We'll use our scanner to check for subluxation and get you on the right plan to sort it out.

Take control of your health and wellbeing today. Book your appointment at KOEO and start your journey towards a pain-free, balanced life.




Did You Know? One Hidden Cause of Neck Pain and How to Address It


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